Instead of New Year's resolutions, make New Years evolutions
On New Years day, and the days leading up to January 1st, we typically make a list of the things we are going to stop doing.
The one exception is the most popular resolution, “I’m going to go to the gym 3 – 4 times a week.”
But we all know how long that lasts, February?
I think there’s a better way to proceed this year.
Instead of New Year’s resolutions, I recommend New Year’s evolutions.
What if your life, apartment or office is cluttered – things everywhere. Instead of saying, “In 2024, I’m not going to lead a cluttered life,” you say.
Cluttering my desk at this moment is a calculator, a stapler, my phone, five or six different pens, six post it notes and an empty coffee cup (which I drank from about 45 minutes ago) two noted pads with notes, articles and other reminders. My kitchen? Let’s not go there.
In 2024, as soon as I’m done with something, I’m going to put it away. I’m going to put it back where it belongs.
· You cannot lead a cluttered life, and put things away when you’re done with them, at the same time. It’s impossible.
The origin for the idea of “New Year’s Evolutions” was inspired during a highly instructive seminar led by music career coach, Angela Myles Beeching.
1. I’m going to stop being tethered to my phone all day and all night.
I will turn of my phone for one hour – 3 – 4 times a day.
Or, I will limit myself to five minutes an hour for checking my phone for emails and checks.
Or, I will designate several longer amounts of time to checking and responding to texts and emails on my phone.
2. I’m going to stop falling prey to the rabbit holes of social media, YouTube videos, and the internet in general. And, binging Netflix, Prime, Max and Hulu.***
Give yourself a time length allowance for Social Media and Streaming of Netflix , Prime etc.
3. I’m going to stop letting pots, pans and plates pile up in my kitchen sink.
One of the things I will do, as part of my early morning routine, is wash the dishes.
Or, one of the last things I will do, as part of my late evening routine, is wash the dishes.
If you think about it, the things you start doing ultimately eliminates the habit you what to not stop doing.
That’s why New Years evolutions will work for you.
***As an aside, I sometimes notice that the time some artists spend on Social Media is disproportionate to the time they spend being actively focused on their careers.