No One Reads Press Releases Anymore
Arts journalists want a story
No one reads press releases any more.
Hardly anyone reads press releases any more.
It’s harder and harder to get a story in a major print publication.
Newspapers and magazines are dropping classical music coverage.
Some radio stations and national radio networks are resisting the predictable “Come in and tell me about your new recording” Interview.
They want more.
Arts Journalists want a story. All Journalists want to tell a story.
Your story, whether it’s the personal reason you’ve chosen to record the music on your disc or the compelling story of the music and its composer.
The story that will bring us closer to you…or the music; the story that will directly connect you with your audience so they can know you better.
The story that will make them more interested and fascinated by you.
The story that might make them like you.
All art is personal…people listening to your music one person at a time.
Storytelling…Your true story. That’s how to get on the radio, how to appear in print, sell CDs (and files) and fill seats in the hall.
Here are some additional thoughts on how to stand out and stand apart from the crowd.