There's a problem with being "woke" if one doesn't have a true awareness and understanding of the depth actually required to be authentically "woke."
About two years ago, I was one of many who received press releases from the leading American orchestras and performance venues. Many of these organizations stated with great pride and enthusiasm that their next season would include x number or women composers, soloists and conductors.
With equal pride, these orchestras listed the racial backgrounds or birth countries from areas not always known for developing and presenting classical music.
It was wonderful news to hear. But it wasn't really "woke," but more like "Woke Light."
Tastes Great - Less Fulfilling.
What was missing?
Information and background on those particular artists:
What does this composer’s music sound like?
What is that conductor or performer best known for with their interpretations?
What is the back story of the composers from Azerbaijan and Iraq? How did they discover classical music? Why did they have to practice in a space where no one could hear them?
These orchestras and venues missed a huge opportunity, but even worse, they disrespected each artist by only identifying them by race, gender, or as someone born in Iraq or Azerbaijan.