Charles Ignatius Sancho (c. 1729 – 1780) was a composer, writer abolitionist, prolific letter-writer, and a shopkeeper. He was born on a slave ship.
Sancho became an early supporter of the British abolitionist movement, whose intention was to outlaw both the slave trade, “and the institution of slavery itself.” (Wikipedia)
I first met Sancho at a Handel – Sancho performance in an NYC concert with flutist Emi Ferguson, violinist Rachell Ellen Wong, and the early music band, Ruckus.
His music sounds like this: (imagine it with period instruments)
You’re right: he’s no Handel, but his country dances can stand quite comfortably next to Handel.
During the concert Emi read excerpts from one of his letters:
“I am sorry to observe that the practice of your country (which as a resident I love—and for its freedom—and for the many blessings I enjoy in it—shall ever have my warmest wishes—prayers—and blessings);
I say it is with reluctance, that I must observe your country's conduct has been uniformly wicked in the East—West Indies—and even on the coast of Guinea.—
The grand object of English navigators—indeed of all Christian navigators—is money—money—money—for which I do not pretend to blame them.
In Africa, the natives—blessed with the most fertile and luxuriant soil—are rendered so much the more miserable for what Providence meant as a blessing:—the Christians' abominable traffic for slaves—and the horrid cruelty and treachery of the petty Kings—encouraged by their Christian customers—who carry them strong liquors—to enflame their national madness—and powder—and bad fire-arms—to furnish them with the hellish means of killing and kidnapping.”
Some of the work I do is devoted to supporting artists who play substantial “music that’s been hiding in plain sight.”
And when there’s a story behind the music, and its composer – a story that’s relevant to the times in which we currently live – I “devote” a little harder.