The Power of Ten
I’ve been binge watching lately…
One of the interesting options on Netflix is the ability to “rewind” ten seconds. When I miss a line or phrase that I want to hear, I can click on the “rewind ten seconds” arrow. And it’s always a surprise to see how far back it goes – usually well past the word or line I didn’t hear.
You can say a lot in ten seconds. Sometimes, there are two people saying something during those ten Netflix seconds.
Can you say something powerful about yourself in ten words, or ten seconds?
I’ve turned my phone off. You have my complete attention. (ten words)
I advocate for creative artists that I admire who have also chosen to be role models for others. (7.5 seconds)
I like how @sethgodin says it.
That’s how many words get scanned the first time through. Perhaps five on a billboard.
Which means that your memo, your ad, your announcement, your post–you get ten words.
Highlight the ten of the 1,000 you’ve written. Which ten do you want someone to scan so that they’re intrigued enough to slow down and read the rest?
If you can begin with the ten words and write around them, you have the foundation for an effective message.
As Jay Levinson said, the best billboard ever said, “Free coffee, next exit.”
Four words.