Performance Envy: I'll never be able to perform a piano concerto, play in the cello section of a major orchestra, or compose a symphony.

Photo by Joshua Hoehne on Unsplash

The 75 year old, universally admired pianist…

The Principal Cellist in one of the major orchestras…

The contemporary composer whose current commissions take him into 2028…

Oh how I enjoy and marvel at what they can do as their music washes over me in the concert hall.

And yet, they are so far away from me, and who I am.

Sometimes as I’m enjoying listening to their performances, a little voice in my head says,” this is incredible, but I could never do that.”

But then I learned that this 75 year old, universally admired pianist still gets incredibly nervous in the 60 minutes before they go on stage — especially when they’re just about to go on stage.

What, more than death, do people fear the most? Speaking in public.

Do you have that same fear and discomfort — even if it’s at a staff meeting?

And that principal cellist in one of the top three orchestras? They were bullied as a kid.

I was bullied as a 10 year old, when I was in High School, and even in my last job. Do you know anyone who’s been the victim of a bully?

The contemporary composer whose commissions take them into 2027? They suffered from migraines most of their young adult life. It was nearly impossible for them to get out of bed on migraine days.

Do you get migraines once or twice a year? More frequently than that? Maybe someone you know, and are close to, faces migraine torture on a regular basis.

Do any of these stories resonate for you? If so, these artists are now relatable to you. They are like you, and you are like them. You are now equals.

And perhaps by knowing their story, you might enjoy their music even more.

What is the key to connecting the music we love with those looking up at you on the stage of the concert hall?

Stories. Story Telling.

And they all lived happily ever after.

All Art is Personal™.

What’s your story? Please send it to me:

I wrote about this previously in March 2024 - “Once upon a Time”

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